Coworking spaces are places where versatility and innovation are present day after day. In them many entrepreneurs find the comfort and inspiration they need to carry out their projects. The ability to adapt these spaces allows that a large number of professionals from different careers, remote or independent workers meet in one place.
Its users are usually people with different purposes and different ways of acting in the workplace, which converge in a single site to work in a shared environment; For this reason, participating in a coworking space can become an excellent opportunity to meet people with different perspectives and establish future working connections and even personal links.
Taking this into consideration, Palletized presents you a list of some types of people you can find in these places.
Social network fans. The world of social networks is here to stay and those who manage them are increasingly popular. In these spaces your can surely meet a community manager talking with other coworkers, it is common to see them surrounded by people. They are usually informed of different topics and take advantage of the experience to nourish themselves from the experiences of others. This in turn helps them establish contacts with other professionals and create new projects.
Passionate about work and academic training. This type of people love to work hard to improve themselves and find new alternatives in the labor market. They spend a lot of time in professional training, without neglecting the functions they perform in their current position. They tend to become an example to follow because they encourage their peers to reach their goals and be better.
The health fan. He is currently one of the type of people you can find in a coworking space most often. They prefer to go up the stairs instead of taking an elevator and if they can walk to work much better. They are aware of the activities they can do in the city, especially if it involves exercising. It is common to hear them give recommendations on where to eat healthy or how to prepare a healthy recipe. They are excellent motivators, which can help you take the step you need in your endeavor.
The night owls. The good thing about a coworking space is that its schedules are different from that of a common office; Even many of these places are open 24 hours a day. For those who prefer to work at night this is the best option because they can activate their creativity when everyone has left. These people, although at first sight look self-absorbed, are good conversationalists and have many innovative projects in mind. They tend not to get carried away by the rules and think outside the box.
The one who lives for business. It is one of the most focused types of users. It seems that they are always submerged in their world structuring some business or starting an idea. They tend to look very serious, however, for them it is not a bad thing because they are focused on getting things done as planned. Maybe a conversation with them is a bit complicated because it’s hard to get them out of their business world, but you can try. They are very meticulous and this could help you take some tips to apply them to your personal project.