How to be more productive when you travel and work

Nowadays it is increasingly common for people to have jobs where they must travel through different regions, however, sometimes this can be stressful if adequate tools are not handled so that everything goes well. One of the aspects that most worries businessmen and entrepreneurs is that travels end up affecting their productivity.  But there is nothing to worry, Palletized as one of the leaders in coworking and warehousing services, mentions some strategies in order to be more productive when you travel and work.

First, it is necessary to discard the idea that travel has a negative influence on productivity. Although it seems that these concepts do not get along together, the truth is that it is possible to carry out a fruitful work, it is only necessary to have the willingness and readiness to make some adjustments to make the most of time. Herein below you will find some clues to do what you like and enjoy it without falling in the attempt.

Planning is crucial.  It seems obvious, but it is one of the strategies that you should not ignore, if you want to be productive when you travel and work.  Try always to have on hand a calendar where you put the schedules and information of important matters such as: events, flights, meetings, appointments, etc.  Here you can give yourself the freedom to plan what you will do in your spare time after fulfilling the labor commitments.  Take advantage of the moments to devote to a personal project, remember that this is also essential.

Take note of the places you want to see in the city you will visit, and if possible, take a moment to call a family member or friend.  Keep in mind that there will be days when you will not be able to prevent your productivity from going down, either before, during or after the flights, however, with a good planning you can come out with flying colors and avoid feeling frustrated.

Update your mobile equipment. With the advancement of technology it is normal for you to carry with you devices such as cell phones, tablets and laptops, which is why you should be careful to have tem updated and synchronized so that they can respond to your needs. Check that the activities you have planned are programmed on your devices to send you alerts. It is likely that in the area where your are, the connection is not very stable, so it is advisable to make a copy with the most important data so that you can work even without the internet.  Remove applications, images or files that take up unnecessary space.  Whenever you can charge the batteries of you equipment, the wireless charges are an excellent option.

Feed properly.  It seems not to be very relevant, but if you want to be productive when you travel and work you must put it into practice.  It is usual that when traveling, your feeding routine changes dramatically and this, even if you do not believe it, can affect your productivity.  The schedules change, the amount of food served is different in each region and, depending on your tastes, many time you will not know what to eat.  Try to establish a plan that will help you stay healthy to avoid the heaviness that only invites you to sleep. This way you will activate your energies, think more clearly and have a better disposition to face your work agenda.

Ability to face unforeseen events. This is crucial, since focusing so much on the plan unstated things can happen that will paralyze you.  To avoid this you must be prepared to deal with situations that you cannot control, for example: flight delays, meeting canceled at the last minute or that your luggage is lost, in short, variables that can disturb your balance and make you the focus of the really important.  Take advantage of these time periods and see them as an opportunity to be productive and resolve other issues.

Observe each trip as a source of inspiration.  This will be very helpful to be productive when you travel and work, since you will be able to open your mind and get to know other cultures.  Each airport or bus terminal will give you the opportunity to see the world with different eyes, while allowing you to be more creative and design new strategies based on your experiences.  When you travel there are many tasks you can do, all you need is to define.

Source: Photo by ROOM on Unsplash

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